Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Making Decision

I'm not sure if making decision is something i'm good with. Confuse in choosing the path of my future. The time when i'm not ready and felt that those options are not important yet in my life. However life is not only about me and myself. It involves other people around me.The things that I wanted the most will put me away from all people that is bond to me. Relationship in human life are simple yet we making it complicated. The reason we do it just to questioning our own decision making.This is the time for me to make a decision not for the sake of myself only but for everyone. I must learn to put my priority away, to be able to tangle with task that will be more difficult in future. Making decision for your future will be difficult to deal with at first, but I will always believe that God knows better than me. If this is not what it meant for me than I shouldn't be worried about it.However I believe this is the best decision for me, first time I feel I has made a good decision. Choosing somebody not because of desire but because TRUST that you gave me. I may not be able to change and follow your way drastically but soon I will devoted my self with TRUST for you. :) I pray that this is the best for US and everyone.

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