Monday, August 6, 2012

Being respect or respect other

Respect. Who do not want to be respect by others. It is a level of showing that you are ahead of other people. But is it so??? How to be respect than??
As an educator we demand respect from students, can we gain respect without demand it from them? The answer is YES! How?! The only way you want people to respect you is that you need to respect them back. 
How an educator respect their students? Easy.... we can be firm with ourselves, not just with students. Lets take our education to a higher levels. Never underestimates students. Always on time, follow the rules, show positive attitude and patience.We always demands students to follow the time but do we do the same thing? Usually we will give excuse like we the one that decide the rules. In that way we have become immoral educator. No respect should be gain through it. I believe that educator and students are equal. No matter what you are, as long as you are human being you have the right to be respect, not to be bias by age, gender, race, status, and etc. Each of us have feelings and responsible towards each other.

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