Sunday, August 26, 2012

He said

He said to me women beauty is only for one man that is her husband.
He said to me that there is no such a thing as LOVE BEFORE MARRIAGE  in ISLAM.
He said to me LOVE AFTER MARRIAGE is the best thing in LIFE.
He said to me HE WILL TAKE CARE of ME.
He said to me HE LOVE ME.
He said to me HE WILL WAIT.
And I smile for things HE SAID.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Tribute to My Late Father

Tears in my eyes is always seen each time I think of how much I have lost. It was unforgettable morning for my family and I, we have lost The Man in the house, My Father. On 11.30 in the morning of 15th August 2012(26 Ramadhan) my father pass left us at the age of 66.
He is indeed a kind man and always believe in his principle.I will always love you Abah. Al-fatihah.
Ismail b. Ahmad.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Wah!!!!! Raya Celebration SPIRITS in TIME!!!.. Everyone is making card raya. Creative Card from ILS students, even with 'DUIT RAYA' also :) Congrats for everyone and SELAMAT HARI RAYA..

It takes Time

I am totally happy today :D Feel like smiling all day. Why??? Well it because my 'O' level student has improve!!!!! Its a good news for me for all the effort that me and my friends have done. At least our effort have shown some improvement now. This is really going to motivate me more to work hard and never give up. There is always HOPE as long as we want it and believing in it and we never stop reaching for it... Hopefully this progression will improve more and more :D Wahhhh.. i'm so excited!!! lol

Saturday, August 11, 2012

If Only I Could Turn Back Time

Time pass by each day without acknowledge our existence at the end of the day is already a new day. There are things that we did that could never be reverse again. If asking me whether IF THE TIME COULD BE TURN OVER AGAIN what will I change?... Frankly speaking there are mistakes that I wish I never did and I wish that it never happened. However, I don't thing there anything I want to change even if I could turn back the time. THINGS happened for reasons. We met people that gave us love, made us smiled and laughed, caused us tears, been betrayed, been insulted and etc. These all to make us someone.We need to experience all these exchanging feelings and people we met to become someone better in future. I would said there are things that I regret and wish I never did but if so I wouldn't be the person I am now. We grown up in one step to another in life phases. I am very THANKFUL to ALLAH for blessing with many people that gave me uncountable memories and experiences. :) SMILES FOR BETTER FUTURE.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Making Decision

I'm not sure if making decision is something i'm good with. Confuse in choosing the path of my future. The time when i'm not ready and felt that those options are not important yet in my life. However life is not only about me and myself. It involves other people around me.The things that I wanted the most will put me away from all people that is bond to me. Relationship in human life are simple yet we making it complicated. The reason we do it just to questioning our own decision making.This is the time for me to make a decision not for the sake of myself only but for everyone. I must learn to put my priority away, to be able to tangle with task that will be more difficult in future. Making decision for your future will be difficult to deal with at first, but I will always believe that God knows better than me. If this is not what it meant for me than I shouldn't be worried about it.However I believe this is the best decision for me, first time I feel I has made a good decision. Choosing somebody not because of desire but because TRUST that you gave me. I may not be able to change and follow your way drastically but soon I will devoted my self with TRUST for you. :) I pray that this is the best for US and everyone.

We put trust on people that we love because we want to believe that faith is all in need. However once your trust has been broken, you may not become the same person to the person you love. You will never miss their jokes or appearance since your heart has erase all the feelings. It  became null. Thou there might be no vengeance or hatred but the love is lessen. You may said you still love the person but you know it in different way. It is the time you be ready to let go all of the love when you know it is no longer appreciates. Love comes and go. To make it last forever you have to always water it with trust and loyalty and together with compassion. If there is no longer exist between the two, there is no more hope and future in that kind of relationship. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

When one door is closed for us there always another door will open for us. However we tend to look at the closed door until we forgot to realize the door that has been waiting and open for us. I'm always acting that way and wondering why the door that I really want to enter is close for me.... Luckily now I realize it's time to be more alert with what we got. Not to push the door that is already closed and locked for us, just enter the door that is already been open for us :)
life is not about going backward..its about moving forward.. I'm ready to move on with the path that I choose and be positive with it :))) Instead of this.. I will always LOVE you !!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Being respect or respect other

Respect. Who do not want to be respect by others. It is a level of showing that you are ahead of other people. But is it so??? How to be respect than??
As an educator we demand respect from students, can we gain respect without demand it from them? The answer is YES! How?! The only way you want people to respect you is that you need to respect them back. 
How an educator respect their students? Easy.... we can be firm with ourselves, not just with students. Lets take our education to a higher levels. Never underestimates students. Always on time, follow the rules, show positive attitude and patience.We always demands students to follow the time but do we do the same thing? Usually we will give excuse like we the one that decide the rules. In that way we have become immoral educator. No respect should be gain through it. I believe that educator and students are equal. No matter what you are, as long as you are human being you have the right to be respect, not to be bias by age, gender, race, status, and etc. Each of us have feelings and responsible towards each other.

It's time ...

Lately I've been thinking and calm myself with the changes around me. In each time something happened I might be a little bit panic and unsure with things to do. However, in the deepest thought I have clearly understood. Feelings will always change, thou you might said you will always stay the same but the feeling still disappeared. Sometimes, we will wonder why certain things happened to us, other times we will think to be more mature and denied the facts. Thus, we hurt our own feeling with that. I always believed in good or bad to be honest with myself and learned to appreciate things I still have left with me. Life is not just about ourselves but also others.. Therefore we are responsible to be kind  to others and help as much as possible. Love wont come easily but it can be build. :)