Saturday, July 28, 2012

too little too much

Fears caused by something fierce. It's been a cold day this 2 days. I'm not sure is it the weather or is it me. Unable to digest the heat of the sunlight. Looking gloomy and unsure with decision making. Making decision that I wish I will not regret someday.I change my options of dress, change the menu of my favourite dishes,  change the colour of my lipsticks.Pretending to be something different, thou I may not be OK right now but soon I will be fine I just have to believe myself. Being insulted by other people that you may never know maybe something that I need to experience it. Therefore I must be strong and bare with it, thou come to think about it I'm still not able to digest the mistakes which I'm not sure what it is. But because of my existing this thing happen. I'm not able to blame anyone but myself. How ashamed I am with myself that I caused troubles     to other.It is not something that I wish or purposely did. If I ever did those kind of unforgiving mistakes, I am truly sorry. 

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