Thursday, July 26, 2012

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have

I still remember the first time we went out together..I'm wearing a red were wearing a maroon shirt. That is the moment when all this dramas came. The time we shares..the time I cried..the time we made jokes..It is all about the moment of being together. I never thought this day would come, you are the one apart of me.. I have to let go.. letting you go.. it burns and kill me inside..deep down I pray there still some smiles left for me..the memories that I wish you will never erase..This moment the feeling without you being on my side torn me apart...but I know the road that you choose did not heading towards me.. I'm just a coward that scared to face the reality..lost in the depth of my own illusion and believe, difficult enough to trust another chance when all I want is keeping all the moment. I may not be strong..but even so... there will be no choice for me.. if facing the reality alone is scary enough?? I believe so... but that is the only road that I have in this moment.....However it is still a pending farewell for me... I'm truly sorry...

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