Thursday, October 15, 2020

Dreams during pregnancy

 During my first pregnancy, I had a beautiful dream where I have seen a big tree with blossom flowers all over it. I thought I'm going to have a girl. I even went for ultrasound at 19 weeks of pregnancy and the doctor said it is a girl. During my 28 weeks of pregnancy I was excited to try 4D ultrasound scanning. To my surprised, my baby is a BOY. I can see him clearly. Although some of the preparation bought have been for a girl but I was still happy that my baby is healthy.

After given birth for almost a year and half , I got pregnant again. I had been visited with dreams again. This time I dream of a gold necklace. I dreamt that I found a gold necklace and I'm so excited about it. I thought it's going to be a BOY again because I was told that if a pregnant lady dream about gold , she is going to have a baby boy. So during my 19 weeks of pregnancy I went for ultrasound and the doctor said it's a girl. Bit because of the wrong interpretation during my first pregnancy I did not believe it 100%. I waited until 26 weeks of pregnancy and went for 4D ultrasound. Okay, this time I can see clearly that my baby is a SHE. I'm so over excited because I have been hoping for a baby girl.

After my baby girl turned 3, I got pregnant again, ( being pregnant again this time is quite challenging, I feel weak most of the time). And during my 10 weeks of pregnancy I had a dream again. I dreamt that a gold bracelet is coming out from my mouth.  Although  I'm very excited with the dream, I wondered whether my baby is going to be a girl or boy. I have been hoping for another girl but even a boy would make us happy too. So I still have several months to go with my pregnancy to meet our third baby.

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