Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Dream

After Subuh prayer today I slept again. Then I dream. I know it's not good to sleep after Subuh prayer but I just feel so sleepy so I do it. Talking about the dream that I had. I dream about going to some place with a friend. Then I lost to somewhere by myself. Then thing that I found is a mosque. In that mosque there about five people that are reciting a Holy Al-Quran. Watching them in my dream made me cried. I felt guilty. Maybe it's a reminder for me to always recipe a Holy Al-quran instead of sleeping. I will always remember this dream. it felt so real. The ringtone of a message from a friend woke me up after that. All I remember I never stop cried yet in that dream. May Allah bless me and forgive me for my mistake.

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