Thursday, October 15, 2020

Dreams during pregnancy

 During my first pregnancy, I had a beautiful dream where I have seen a big tree with blossom flowers all over it. I thought I'm going to have a girl. I even went for ultrasound at 19 weeks of pregnancy and the doctor said it is a girl. During my 28 weeks of pregnancy I was excited to try 4D ultrasound scanning. To my surprised, my baby is a BOY. I can see him clearly. Although some of the preparation bought have been for a girl but I was still happy that my baby is healthy.

After given birth for almost a year and half , I got pregnant again. I had been visited with dreams again. This time I dream of a gold necklace. I dreamt that I found a gold necklace and I'm so excited about it. I thought it's going to be a BOY again because I was told that if a pregnant lady dream about gold , she is going to have a baby boy. So during my 19 weeks of pregnancy I went for ultrasound and the doctor said it's a girl. Bit because of the wrong interpretation during my first pregnancy I did not believe it 100%. I waited until 26 weeks of pregnancy and went for 4D ultrasound. Okay, this time I can see clearly that my baby is a SHE. I'm so over excited because I have been hoping for a baby girl.

After my baby girl turned 3, I got pregnant again, ( being pregnant again this time is quite challenging, I feel weak most of the time). And during my 10 weeks of pregnancy I had a dream again. I dreamt that a gold bracelet is coming out from my mouth.  Although  I'm very excited with the dream, I wondered whether my baby is going to be a girl or boy. I have been hoping for another girl but even a boy would make us happy too. So I still have several months to go with my pregnancy to meet our third baby.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

pregnant again.. feeling blessed

It's been quite sometimes since i'm updating anything on my blogs. Recently, I have received good new. I am about to be a mother. Since my first pregnancy didn't make it to the end, this news is very exciting for me.
Here I would like to share some symptoms that I face during my early pregnancy.

  • Loosing Appetite
  • Headache 
  • Fever
  • Cramp
  • Sensitive Breast
  • Miss period

If you are experiencing this kind of symptoms, maybe it is time for you to check your urine using UPT kit.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

the weding 2013

On 24th November 2013. solemnization. Officially husband and wife. This is sweet memories at the end of 2013. Hopefully our love will last till jannah.
There are so many things that I must understand, tolerate and do as a wife now. I hope I will manage to be a good wife, mother, daughter and daughter in law and for the most as a muslim.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

24th NOV 2012

Today is the day that I must determine and focus on one thing in life. FUTURE. It is a new beginning for me. Nevertheless to hesitate and think twice of the decision which is already made. There will be 10,000 good reasons for choosing this path. It is not as I have planned in the very beginning but God has better plan for me.I will always believe in God plan way better than mine. I will proceed this journey with courage and enjoy it.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

It's been 27 years of living in this beautiful world yet unable to find the real mission in life. Sometimes, when i'm wondering alone, it just more confusing. Therefore the best way is not to over thinking of something that we are not sure.

drink, eat, sleep
Can we touch the sky?
It is impossible to touch the sky
But we can't stop from dreaming...
I wonder where dreams come from...
Magical world it is....

Monday, October 15, 2012

don't give up

When things go wrong as sometimes will,
When the road you trudging seems all uphill,
When funds are low and debts are high,
And you want to smile but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you sit a bit,
REST if you must but don't you quit.

This is a poem which motivated me most. :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I wish I was strong enough to lift not one but both of us

It's weird how as time pass by the feelings are still the same. In the world that is so big and there so many people around you to be there by your side but you still wanting something that is in the past. Some people might say i'm ungrateful with things that I got. But in the heat of the moment the feelings are never change. It's to hard to erase the things that within you.